Kenilworth Racecourse Matric 2023

04 December 2023

Kenilworth Racecourse Matric 2023 Mustang 1 Mustang 2 Mustang 4

Kenilworth Racecourse Matric 2023

04 December 2023

Another hot and windy day in the Cape as the Mustang ducked and dived between traffic for this later than usual Matric Dance.

Eager guests asked questions and pointed out features that were Mustang, Mustang and more Mustang. It is always good to encounter fanatics, especially kids who know more than me!!! 

With the photo shoot behind us, it was time to bid farewell to the family and friends and head towards Kenilworth Racecourse where the Matric Dance dropoff was. Strict instructions not to rev. Huh??? What??!!!

The couple made there way onto the red carpet and enjoyed a night of fun, dance and good vibes.

Another great Event Cars Matric Dance trip under the belt!